Friday, July 15, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I retract my previous comment about TV shows. It was insensitive and ignorant, and I apologize. Sorry.

I hate everything

HAHAHA omg, did u see wat Paris said on hur show last night? Shes leik "omg poor people should lern how to leik do things better!"

Holy fucking shit, is this what we are idolizing? No wonder our science programs are going down the tubes. No wonder we have to pretend to graduate people who are literally retarded. Because people feel like the opinion of someone born into incomprehensible riches has ANYTHING even remotely intelligible to say about ANYTHING. Fuck, this isn't a commentary about America, this is a commentary about humanity. If you find ANYTHING Paris Hilton does cheeky or entertaining, you should throw yourself off a fucking cliff. If you don't know where to find one, let me know, and I'd be happy to Google that for you

Chasing our own tail

I was watching a documentary about the big bang, quantum entanglement, and other such niftyness, and they said something which has been stated before, but made me think of something neat. Since all the matter in the universe was originally a singularity, and all the energy in the universe is linked together in some way, it made me think peaceful, awe inspired thoughts. When I thought about things like war and violence, it made me think of a dog chasing its own tail. A dog sees something weird out of the corner of his eye, and decides it is his enemy. He then spins around in circles trying to get it, not realize that it's actually itself. In a strange way, thats kind of what violence, racism and war boil down to. People see something they don't understand, so they try to chase it, hurt it, destroy it, not realizing that in reality, it's really the exact same matter and energy as ourselves. Can't help but think if people recognized this and worked together how much wasted energy could be used for something greater.