Friday, September 14, 2012

(preface: drunk) Pretty sure life was made for dying. Thats kinda sad I guess, but we're all going there. When you leave this world, whether you're good or evil, the one thing you can count on is death. And taxes, but lets face it, we dont all pay those so even that's out. So lets talk about this thing. The big elephant in the room, the Grim Reaper, and the thing you're invetiably going to come face to face with in battle, and lose to. Whether you're a good person, a catholic, a christian, a jew or an atheist, you're going to die and I can almost guarantee you whatever you think happens when you die, is wrong. I mean the spiritually or scientifically.Personally I ascribe to the belief when you die, you just... stop.The program ends. The colorful catastrophe that is life just ceases. I've done drugs, I know how troubling an idea this is. Consciousness is a beautfil thing, and in the cosmic scheme of things, not to be overlooked, but it's just the program we live. It is spectacular because our survival is predicated on the belief that experiences should be spectcular. Milleneae of evolution has taught us to seek and enjoy the things which contribute to our own survival and more so, the propagation of our own species.The fact that we've invented the word "divine" doesn't make it any less of a mechanical process. So what's my point? Like any drug experience... supernatural and evanescent, it comes to an end. COming to terms with that is never easy, but once you accept it, there is a forced reassessment of reality. You end with a sour taste in your mouth or you grin and go to sleep. So why are we so opposed to the the ending of life any more than we would be a good night out, a movie, sex, or a few hits of ecstasy? Because we're irrational. Which, when you think about it, is a pretty absurd notion. We, being mechanical beings, programmed to perceive the world around us, yet evolutionarily built with blatent flaws. We strive for perfection. We may not realize it on the subatomic level upon which we operate, or understand it in the grand scheme of things, but we do. On average, the choices and decisions of any given person are a predictable occurance, and the death of one person is accounted for when things fall into place.This is not the same as fate or destiny, it's just that like any system, there is a middle of the bell curve which occurs despite the desires and actions of any one individual. Where am I going with this? Who knows. But however you die, it's probably not going to be remembered by most of humanity now, or ever to live from this day out. So live for yourself. or devote yourself to others. or waste away in a heroin induced fog. The universe will hardly blink at your passing. Do something that makes you feel good. If that's curing cancer, f yeah dude. if that's killing yourself, sorry things didnt work out your way. If that's murdering people... well we might hate you but whatever I get you. As un-illuminating as this may be when you think about it, please, just do what you want. As a great professor once told me, "life's too short to work for assholes". Do what you want. at all times. To all people. And once you start, don't give up, or people may get pissed.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

RIP Isis

Isis, you will be missed. I hope you're eating crickets up in huvven right now.