Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Verizon fucks us again

While there are certainly great things about my EnV3 phone and the service itself, there are many pitfalls of dealing with Verizon, and this is just the latest I've noticed.

So my phone has this really great camera right? Big hard drive space right? Comes with a USB cables that doubles as the power cable so it's real convenient right? Awesome! I think I'll go take a bunch of pictures, then upload them on my computer and bask in their glory on my gigantic monitor! Oh wait... YOU CAN'T! The only way to do it is to sift through the cryptic and vague list of device drivers for the one that allows your computer to read the fucking memory on the phone! It's like being locked in a room with a delicious piece of cake, but your hands are tied behind your back and your mouth is duct taped shut. If only you didn't have to pay someone a monthly fee to get your hands back.

This abuse of power by Verizon to give us 99% of what we need free with the phone, but then charge us an arm and a leg for the additional 1% that makes it all work makes me want to shoot a kitten in the face with a revolver. I'd rather go buy a brand new 3 megapixel digital camera that I can read the pictures directly off my phone than give them the satisfaction of bending over and taking it up the ass like they want me to. It's a damn shame that my statement will go completely unnoticed by them.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Todays, white fiddling around with my EnV3 cellphone, I began to think about how in the not so distant future, the computing power of the average desktop will be crammed into somthing the size of a cell phone. Then, while watching a video series by DonExodus regarding evolution, I began to think about our contemporary evolutionary patterns.

Most of our current evolutions have had to do with societal evolutions, psychological evolutions, and technological evolutions. As DonExodus said, who I believe quoted someone before him, it is an organisms ability to adapt to change that causes it to pass its genetics on to the next generation; to breed. Since much of our contemporary adaptation comes from technology (air conditioning, pesticides, etc) it seems that an incorporation of our technological advancedments with our own evolutionary genetics would be the most beneficial for our immedeate evolution and/or survival in our environment. I am speaking of course of cybernetics. It seems likely that at a point we will adapt ourselves with the technology we create to form a symbiosis, and that eventually we will become so reliant and intertwined with technology that we will become one with it.

Bronze Age, industrial age, information age (our current era), robotics age, cybernetics age, quantum age, trancendance age. These would all seem to be logical projections of our species evolution, assuming something doesnt wipe us all out; ourselves or some natural phenomena. I just hope that we live long enough to see the evolution into an era where our technology combined with our mental processing powers can allow us to manipulate the subatomic world by the power of our physiological processes alone.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Zombie Music Video

OK, first of all you need to put on "Abysmal" by The Haunted, then imagine this progression of a music video. A corpse is laying in a coffin underground, and its eyes pop open. It begins to move, then as the drums and screaming come in, its hand reaches up through the earth grasping for the sky. Now among the world of the living, he begins walking out of the graveyard into the town. He keeps walking up to people on the street trying to terrify people, but nobody seems to pay him any attention, and seem to even see him as a joke. Confused, the zombie stumbles on. As he searches for people to terrify, he sees a homeless man being jeered at by some teens; a girl being kidnapped; he walks by a TV store and sees the news. On the news are pictures of genocides, atomic bombs, soldiers marching, children starving. Becoming overwhelmed by the horrors of our every day lives, he stumbles up into an abandoned apartment and in a desperate attempt to get away from our horrific lives, hangs himself, to return to the realm of death once more.