Monday, August 20, 2012


This morning I pushed through double quadricep strains and went up to the high country to compete in Warrior Dash. Got up there, and began pounding energy drinks. Finally after two bouts of pee breaks, we made our way to the starting line. A few switch backs and then about a quarter mile uphill and we got to the first obstacle.

1) Climb over 3 ft walls, under 2ft barbed wire, repeat x4

Whoo! The running is starting to catch up to me, but i push on through to obstacle... 2) balanced walk over a series of up down up down planks about 10 feet off the ground.

Crushed it, and look! I can see the next obstacle... wait, whats this quarter mile switchback I have to do? and why are my aforementioned quads stinging with every step? No time to bitch. Around the curve and up the next obstacle:

3) Climb up wooden rafters, then over the top, one rung down, you drop to the bottom.

more running.... 4) Run through tires


5) Jump over some fire.

Now comes the hellish ascent to the courses highest point. The grade gets gradually steeper and steeper and longer and longer, and to add insult to injury, there is another 6) up and over wooden steeple and 7) low pipes to crawl through. Made it to the top huffing and puffing, descend down a steep slope with ropes, and then get to obstacle...

9) Climb a rope over a wall, then drop down from the top of the other side to the ground.

Run some more (FINALLY DOWNHILL)

10) Cargo nets

11) swim through mud under barbed wire

Finish. Drink Beer. Wash. Rawr.

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