Monday, December 7, 2009

Skullcandy... Really?

Having re-geared myself for what may be my most epic snowboard season to date, I've been looking at random smaller items I need (bandana, replacement lenses, headphones, etc). About a month ago, my old headphones finally kicked the bucket, so I needed a new pair obviously. For snowboarding, I find ear canal buds work best. They block the most sound, stay comfortable for the longest time and stay situated better than any other ones I've tried.

So there is this company called Skullcandy that makes headphones targeted towards certain subcultures such as snowboarders and their ilk. I figured hey, I'm a snowboarder, I need new headphones, and I got 30 bucks to plop on some new ear buds.

These are by far the worst quality headphones I have ever had in my entire life. First, the rubber earpiece is far too rigid to adapt to the contours of the inner ear to be even remotely comfortable. They are cheaply constructed, and the earpieces fell off on several occasions with minimal impact. Lastly, and in my opinion by far the most important, the sound quality is complete and utter shit. I'm at a loss for words to accurately portray how bad their sound quality is. The bass sounds like what you hear from those rice cars who blare their subwoofers at 120 decibels. Highs are, well, non existant. Mids i guess are ok, but nobody listens to music for mids.

After fiddling with the equilizer settings on both my MP3 player and my computer for close to an hour each, I finally gave up on these pieces of shit. Even though I was almost flat broke, these were about as good as having nothing at all. Went back and bought a mid level pair of Sonys, which are infinitely better.

Closing thoughts: The ONLY reason to EVER buy a pair of these headphones is if you want to buy something that you think will make you LOOK like you fit in with a crowd that you don't. If you want even the slightest bit of value from a pair of headphones, please... for the love of god, steer clear of anything bearing the Skullcandy name.

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