Sunday, January 3, 2010

Traffic Accidents Suck!

So on the way up to Breckenridge today, I was fortunate enough to smash the fuck out of the front of my car on I-70. Here's the short version of what happened.

Going about 20 MPH in the left lane, the car in front of me suddenly swerved to the right, revealing three stationary cars, one of which was facing backwards on the road. Of course, I instantly hit the brakes, and much to my dismay, I continued to travel forwards at roughly the exact same speed I was going before the brakes. Smashed into the guardrail and one of the cars. After making sure everyone was good, I started to get my bearings on what was going on, and get this; the bitch in the car at the very front who started the whole thing (the one who was facing the wrong way) turns around and ditches us.

Oh well. That's why it's good to have insurance I guess. Anyway, when we got down to Silverthorn, we decided we were still going to go riding, up at Keystone. So we went to target to get some stuff to McGuiver a replacement mirror for the one that got smashed. Using a cosmetics mirror, a roll of duct tape and some double sided wall mounting foam pads, we came up with a kick ass mirror.

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