Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Freedom My Ass

I was driving 70mph in a 65mph zone, somewhat speeding but A) there was nobody around that it endangered, and B) driving 5 over is pretty much a norm in the USA. So then the speed limit drops to 55, and I start breaking accordingly. Then I see the radar gun, and the literally 20 cops ahead who already have about 9 cars pulled over in this speed trap.

Setting aside their obvious motivations to raise money in a time of economic hardship, this is complete and utter bullshit. Who's fucking business is it if yours what I do as long as I don't endanger or harm another living being? I'll answer that question with a quote from the infamous Bill Hicks "NONE of your fucking business". So now my completely safe driving delays my next appointment, drains 100 bucks from my bank account with about 80 bucks in it, and removes 2 points from my license. And this is supposed to be the American ideal of freedom?

Wouldn't the time of 20 pigs be better spent chasing down real criminals? Murders? Sex offenders? Domestic violence reports? ANYTHING other than fucking with our days? That's what police are supposed to do "Protect and Serve" as goes the slogan on countless police vehicles. Who the fuck are you serving when you issue a ticket to a broke college student for driving a car completely safely on a public highway? Well, maybe Boulder doesn't have enough violent crime for all the force to focus on, like in LA. THEN DOWNSIZE THE FUCKING POLICE FORCE! All you are doing is giving guns and authority to idiots with too much time on their hands with the vague instruction of "go make the state some money"

20 cops. TWENTY FUCKING POLICE doing nothing but screwing up the days of countless drivers, all of whom were probably driving fine, and never would have gotten into even a fender bender with their driving.

I've always disliked cops. When I skateboarded a lot, they would kick us out of places, ticket us, and generally harass us for pursuing our version of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but this is the first time I've felt true carnal hatred for the police. I would never do something like this (Because unlike what the police seem to assume we all are, I'm not a degenerate serial rapist out to kidnap old people and children to feed into my diabolical carbon spewing energy generator run on the forgotten souls of the abandoned) but FUCK I wouldn't mind if a ton of lead razorblades fell on top of each one of these power tripping smegheads.

By the way, there are a few nice cops out there. I've been let out of tickets before because I was a DD, or because he had a sense of humor. Those, I would be saddened if they died, because they are the key to producing a future generation of cops whos intention is to actual PROTECT AND SERVE society. But for the rest of these brainless shitheads, FUCK YOU.

And in case the FBI or whatever is reading this blog, this is just a story. I have no intention of causing any degradation to society whatsoever... unlike you and your bretheren.

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