Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yellow Fruit

King Soopers usually has a selection of weird fruits and every now and then I pick a random one up, perform an autopsy on it, and generally eat it. This is the story of a big leathery yellow thing.

It's about 7 inches in diameter, bumpy leathery surface and weights about three pounds. The outside skin is rugged and takes a little extra knife pressure to puncture, but once you're in, you can slice through it like butter.

Once open, the first impression is that of a cantelopue, mixed with a watermelon.

After removing the seeds, you can really see how juicy and soft the fruit is.

I sliced it up like I would a canteloupe and ate a few pieces plain. It's a very soft fruit, with a texture almost like a banana. As with the smell, it has a mildly sweet taste like the melon combination I mentioned above.

I opted to make a smoothie with it, and added frozen strawberries to the mix. I don't have a picture of the final smoothie because at the time of writing this, I drank it, and the pics I took were all blurry. The smoothie turned out awesome. Next time I think I'll throw some kiwi in the mix.

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