Sunday, February 21, 2010


Stress is a weird thing to me. It usually has two effects. The first is it drives me to want to take drugs or drink myself under the table. Recently however I've been very averse to such behavior as I've been getting in shape for the remainder of snowboard season and my wedding in May. The other effect it has is a sort of psychosis. I get filled with this strange energy that makes my emotions flit from anger to joy, excitement, productivity, depression, and really the whole gambit of human emotion.

I'll spare the gorey details, but suffice it to say, school is becoming quite overwhelming, and putting me under a metric shitload of stress. As a result, I often feel like my mind is unraveling, or that my sanity is being held by a thread and it's only the careful perseverance of my devotion to school work, eating healthy and working out that is keeping it from crashing down like the sword of Damocles.

But as with just about everything in the world, there are balancing points. When I feel motivated and excited, I find myself incredibly creative, energetic, happy and outgoing. It's these fleeting sensations of joy that I cling to as a source of hope when in inevitably cycle into a period of rage and depression.

life is a great wheel. Sometimes it grinds you down into the mud, and other times it lifts you up into the light. You just have to wait for the wheel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Like a violin, you need a certain amount of tension in order to perform. (Don't think too hard - this analogy does not bear scrutiny well.) I know what you mean about insane stress - I went through this last semester. This semester, it's all about ennui and what-the-hell-am-I-doing-with-my-life anxiety.

This too, shall pass.